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Patrick's Story

On 1/13/19, Adrian and I  found out we were pregnant with our first baby! After a few weeks, it was confirmed with our OBGYN with a due date in September 2019.  We were elated to grow our family! A couple of months go by and on 3/13/19 we were referred to a Maternal Fetal specialist by our OBGYN after seeing an abnormality in our sonogram. Although we were concerned, we never imagined how our lives would be forever changed. The following day, we visited the specialist with hopeful expectations. Unfortunately, the doctor told us that our baby most likely had a genetic disorder that was not compatible with life and would likely not survive birth. After extensive testing and research, our genetic counselor gave us a diagnosis: Achondrogenesis Type 2. Our worst fear was confirmed. We were faced with an unimaginable and difficult decision. Do we carry our baby? Or do we terminate the pregnancy? After much discussion and prayer, we decided to carry our sweet baby for as long as God allowed us. 


On July 2, 2019 Patrick Joel Martinez both came into the world silently and went home to heaven. Our world was completely turned upside down and changed forever the day we met our little boy. He was perfect in every way, despite his condition. 


After we lost Patrick, Adrian and I  promised ourselves and our son that we would share his story so the world could see that even when things don't go our way or make sense, God is still so good. It was also through the help of family, friends, the incredible staff at ORMC and our doctor that we were able to get through the darkness. We  promised to carry on his legacy through others going through the same incredibly hard circumstances by using our resources and sharing our experience. Our hope is that we can help others, just as others helped us. 


Image by Richard R

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves recieve from God. For just as we share abundatly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5


Our Mission

The Patrick’s Promise Foundation is dedicated to providing resources for families facing the unimaginable pain of losing a child and/or pregnancy. Through our events, resources, and community, we strive to empower parents and loved ones to navigate their grief journey with strength, resilience, and renewed purpose. We aim to inspire healing, foster connections, and promote awareness, ensuring that no family ever feels isolated in their grief. Together, we will transform sorrow into strength, and darkness into a beacon of hope.


To create a community where no parent or family member grieves alone after the loss of a pregnancy or child, by providing unwavering support, resources, and hope.

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