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Our Hope Is Alive

Today is one of those days that we are so thankful for. After we lost Patrick (see my wife’s previous blog on our story) I can remember the anger and hopelessness I felt just thinking about not having him here with me. I remember praying completely angry with God, asking him how this could happen, if he was so good, why are you allowing this? It was in the middle of this anger and pain that I felt God speak to me, something I have never truly experienced before in my life. I remember the exact moment feeling him say “don’t you know I love Patrick even more than you could ever comprehend.” It was one of those moments that completely wrecked me and it was in that moment I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, something that is hard to describe or put in words.

As we celebrate resurrection Sunday, I am reminded that because Jesus is alive, Patrick is alive and made brand new. If today is one of those days that you are struggling with loss, hopelessness, fear, anxiety, anger or just flat out hurt… take heart, Jesus has overcome! I know that may sound foreign, or the last thing you want to hear in whatever season you are walking in but please know you rest in knowing God’s love is big enough. Because he lives, we have a living hope that is big enough to take on all of our burdens. Because Jesus lives, we can run to the Father no matter where we are at in life, no matter how many time we have turned our back on him, no matter the circumstance God is able to take it all.

We are so thankful that because of resurrection Sunday, there will be a day we see our boy again. But until then, we know our time on this earth is not finished. If you are reading this, let today be the day for that fresh start, the new beginning. Please know, that wherever you are in your grief journey, God is not finished with you yet. If you still have breath in your lungs, you have a purpose in this world, you are loved by God!

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